E-Scooter Accidents
E-Scooter Injury Attorneys
In 2018, 38.5 million trips were taken on shared electric scooters in the U.S., and e-scooter rides accounted for 45.8% of micromobility trips. It is estimated that by 2030, the e-scooter industry will be a $42 BILLION giant. Yet, only 10 states have laws applicable to e-scooters,and a great majority of the states do not have any regulations to safeguard its users and non-users from accidents involving e-scooters.
If you have been injured while operating an e-scooter or in an accident involving an e-scooter, you need to speak with an experienced attorney to help you understand your legal options. We can help. We are an experienced personal injury law firm that can help you after an e-scooter accident.
Contact Us
Infinity Trial Group
One Atlantic Center
1201 W. Peachtree Street
Suite 2300
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 795-5011
(404) 393-9267